Parking spaces control and payment processing system
The Government of Moscow, the highest executive body of state authority of Moscow.
The Moscow City Government wanted to solve a complex task:
➤ Establish order on the streets by removing parked cars from places not intended for parking
➤ Reduce the amount of vehicles in the city (with the introduction of parking fees, many citizens began to choose alternative options of transportation around the city)
➤ To earn extra money for the city budget
It was necessary to make the service of managing and paying for parking simple and accessible both to visitors and residents of the city.
As a solution, Eyeline implemented the “Moscow Parking Space” system. Parking control is realized with the help of SMS, USSD, mobile applications and parking machines. All remote control, as well as all SMS notifications generated by the system, were implemented by “Transport gateway” module based on Eyeline Service Delivery Platform.
On the financial side, the system is integrated with mobile commerce (support of payments from accounts of top Russian mobile operators: MTS, Megafon, Beeline and Tele2), as well as popular payment systems (Qiwi, Svyaznoy, etc), and several banks. Support for all financial transactions between the system and its environment, was implemented with the help of “Payment Gateway” module based on Eyeline Service Delivery Platform.
In addition, Eyeline implemented specialized module “Parking API», designed to simplify the management of parking spaces for different customers.
Currently, the system services and processes:
➤ 53175 parking spaces
➤ 2 million incoming messages
➤ 7 million outbound messages
➤ 1.5 million payment transactions
Expansion of the system to the new territories is possible in the future, as well as using the system for gated and barrier parking spaces.