Mobile money in Nigeria

Mobile system for money transfers

The Client

One of the largest aggregator of Nigerian mobile payments and transfers.

The Scope

The Nigerian government has defined development of systems for money transfers using mobile phones as a top priority in the field of financial services for the Nigerian population. For this, operators of financial services were granted 16 licenses for the operation of mobile money. One of the main stipulated conditions was the use of basic mobile devices without access to the Internet, by using basic telecommunication technologies – SMS and USSD, which can operate on almost all mobile phones.

The Solution

The most difficult task in creating a system of money transfer via mobile phones is a need for the integration of mobile money transfer services with several mobile operators (there are four operators in Nigeria) and with numerous banks.

The project was implemented by EYELINE together with a Nigerian partner. Eyeline platform was used to develop systems and services for money remittance open platform. The platform provides “Develop once, works on all mobile operators” principle for USSD services. For transaction processing, integration with mobile operators and banks, as well as the collection of statistics we used Eyeline Service Delivery Platform. Using the platform in the development of the system has allowed to reduce labor costs for the development for more than 60%. At the moment the system is successfully exploited, showing a constant increase in the number of payment transactions.




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Case Study: Mobile Money In Nigeria